I'm so excited to be on a great show tonight called Business Success Radio. It's moderated by Wayne Hulbert.
If you'd like to hear an informative discussion around the topic of time management, then you'll want to turn in.
We'll be exploring key themes from my book Organizational Strategies for the Overwhelmed. Please join us!
In preparation for the interview, Wayne reviewed the book and I must say the review itself is a must read!
Here is Wayne's Review:http://www.blogbusinessworld. blogspot.ca/2012/07/ organizational-strategies-for. html
Here is the link to the radio site: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ waynehurlbert/2012/08/01/ joann-corley-organizational- strategies-for-the-overwhelmed
If you haven't picked up a copy - it comes in a variety of forms. Links are provided below.
Check out the latest release: Organizational Strategies for the Overwhelmed - how to manage your time, space, & priorities, to work smart, get results & be happy - Kindle - The Book - Nook - Audio Book - The Seminar
This blog is based on this book. In it are actionable ideas on being a better manager:
The 1% Edge - The Workbook - Power Strategies to Increase Your Management Effectiveness
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