Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Titling a Book

I'm digging into the final editing stage of my soon to be released book based on my seminar entitled, "Organizational Skills for the Overwhelmed." (Although a client last week called it for the hopeless.)

I'm super excited about it's release! As a time management trainer and performance management coach for many years, this book will bring some fresh insights and approaches to the topic of organizing your space, stuff, time, priorities and tasks.

Additionally, I'll be blogging parts of the book as well, providing slide shows and eventually webinars that can be used both personally and professionally...and as a reminder you can always bring the workshop/seminar to your organization for a full or 1/2 day training.

The Title Matters
I know for a fact that the title of a book matters in it's sales. Though I want this book to stay within the theme of the 1%, I do believe the title needs some ump. Here are the three I'm considering so far:

1. Stop Giving Your Life Away - time and organizational strategies to create the life you deeply desire

2. The Time of Your Life - time and organizational strategies to live your best life now.

3. Owning Your Life - time & organizational strategies to stop overwhelm and start living again.

4. Work Smarter, Get Results, Be Happy

Let me know what flips your trigger. :-)

The 1% Edge - The Workbook - Power Strategies to Increase Your Management Effectiveness

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