Monday, October 29, 2012

2 Insights To Increase Productivity

#timemanagement #productivity

1% Short: 2 Insights To Increase Productivity and Improve Your Time Management

Two quotes I recently read in a press release provide insight into productivity and they are our 1% Short for today:

Insight #1: Relax - Think Clearly
"Your ability to be productive and successful at home and work is closely tied to your ability to relax and think clearly.  Only when you're well organized and your mind is clear can you unleash your true creative potential." - Dr. Maynard Brusman

Coaching tip: Learning to relax so that you can think clearly is a component of getting more done.

Insight #2: Less is More - Minimize Options
" excess of options actually decreased productivity and impairs decisiveness. Too may alternatives create the need for too much analysis, and the result is more and more of us getting less and less one."  -Dr. Alan Weiss

Coaching tip: Minimize options where you can.

Need a comprehensive approach to increasing your productivity with less stress? Check out the latest release: Organizational Strategies for the Overwhelmed - how to manage your time, space, & priorities, to work smart, get results & be happy -  Kindle - The Book - Nook Audio Book -  The Seminar

Not familiar with the 1% - click here to learn more

This blog is based on this book. In it are actionable ideas on being a better manager: The 1% Edge - The Workbook - Power Strategies to Increase Your Management Effectiveness

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