In the spirit of the 1% Edge, here are 4 areas to consider offered by guest blogger Glen Gaugh. His posts first appeared on the 1% Edge Portable Coach App and as we close out his series, I've wanted to make sure more folks got a chance to hear his wisdom. I'll be posting them as a series over the next week or so.
As a reminder, the 1% Edge premise is - it doesn't have to take much to make a difference - it could be the 1 thing that could make all the difference.
Glen's view is that balance is essential to professional success and he targets 4 key areas:
Area #1: The Emotional Bank of Yourself & Others
As a reminder, the 1% Edge premise is - it doesn't have to take much to make a difference - it could be the 1 thing that could make all the difference.
Glen's view is that balance is essential to professional success and he targets 4 key areas:
Area #1: The Emotional Bank of Yourself & Others
Personal Balance - Professional Success: Emotions Matter in Balance
in child and adolescent crisis work, the thing we focus on almost as much as
clinical skill is self-care and balance. There are things I can do as a supervisor
that may help ease my team's stress level, but remaining balanced falls mostly
on my individual counselors. And so it does with you, regardless of your
business or position within your company.
I believe personal balance is a key
ingredient to professional success.
Covey described the “emotional bank account” in his landmark book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Making emotional deposits into the lives
of family members and friends is important in order to maintain positive relationships,
reduce stress, and have support when things around the office begin to take
time and toll. The mental picture of an emotional piggy bank still comes to
mind when I think of maintaining balance with people who are significant to me.
for true balance that leads to growth, I want to challenge you to be more than
transactional in your relationships with others. Be transformational! How?
· Do not view
those emotional deposits as ways to “keep him/her happy” for the next time you
have to stay late at the office. Look at it as a way to share your enthusiasm
for your work and include others in the reason- and the passion- that you have
for doing what you do.
· Let others
make deposits into your account.
Share in the stories your loved ones have to tell and support them in
their endeavors. Find joy in others’ accomplishments.
· Be
appreciative of the ways your closest friends and family bend to allow you to
do what you do- and be just as flexible for them.
keeps you balanced? Do you ever get in the transactional “rut?” How can you
build enthusiasm for your professional endeavors, and show enthusiasm for the
endeavors of others around you?
Glen's Series:
4: You are the key to your balance
Glen's Series:
4: You are the key to your balance
Glen is a social worker and supervisor for Youth
Villages Specialized Crisis Services in West Tennessee (
He leads professionals in mental health to help families be their best. Connect
with Glen at,, or
This blog is based on this book: The 1% Edge - The Workbook - Power Strategies to Increase Your Management Effectiveness
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